White Foil Snowflake Holiday Cards

White Foil Holiday cards by Lauren Chism Fine Papers

Before the holidays get too far from us (how is it already mid January?!), I wanted to share my business holiday cards that I sent out to friends, clients, and fellow wedding vendors.

White Foil Holiday cards by Lauren Chism Fine Papers

I like to use my own stationery as an opportunity to try some printing that I haven't done before, so I went with white foil on grey card stock. As I was stuffing them, I thought how pretty they would have been on navy stock and kind of wished I had tried that, but oh well - maybe next time!

White Foil Holiday cards by Lauren Chism Fine Papers

The white foil was even more beautiful than I excepted it to be. 'White ink' is a pretty elusive printing technique. If you see 'white' text on a flat printed card, it's really just the paper showing through with a colored background. Therefore, you can't print white on color envelopes easily. You can typically only print in white if you are doing offset, letterpress, foil and engraving, all of which range from fairly expensive to very expensive and offer varying looks. I personally think offset and letterpress don't give a saturated enough look for my taste and I am not a big fan of engraving, so when I got the foil, I was excited at how perfect it was. I think it would be beautiful on wedding invitations and am probably going to try to incorporate it into my wedding collection.

White Foil Holiday cards by Lauren Chism Fine Papers
White Foil Holiday cards by Lauren Chism Fine Papers
White Foil Holiday cards by Lauren Chism Fine Papers

I also sent out personal photo holiday cards that I ordered through Minted. You can check those out on Instagram here.

Posted on January 14, 2014 and filed under Holiday.