Lately, I have been trying to figure out how to best use social media and blogging and am working to make it something I enjoy instead of something I feel guilty about not doing enough of. There's no doubt that both are good for your business, but let's be honest, it's a lot of work and as a one-woman-business, it's not always a priority. I am trying to find a balance between what I would like to do and what I am actually able to accomplish, so I have been planning for a little more consistency and organization.
Basically, I want people to be able to follow me on all platforms if they want, and that means I want to make an effort not be redundant. I don't want to post something here, than the same photos on Facebook and the same photos on Instagram, every single time. I think a little overlap is good, but should be done sparingly, so I am planning to do things a bit more organized going forward, so you know what to expect.
The Blog
Because photographing, editing, and post preparing can be very time consuming, I am going to keep blogging for the really good stuff. Blog-worthy stuff. What is 'blog-worthy' you ask? Stuff that has been photographed (no more digital image posts), real weddings, design and wedding inspiration, with some business and personal stuff thrown in.

For more of what I do day-to-day, you can follow me on Instagram. Minted design submissions, real wedding invitations (they can look very different than what is on my site), peeks at pretty paper and designs that don't get formally photographed for whatever reason. Instagram is just more fun and less pressure for the perfect photo and I'm finding it's a great creative outlet for me. It's a fun break to sit and style my designs. I also tend to share photos of my adorable dog… you've been warned.

Facebook will be a bit of a bridge between the blog and social media. Facebook will provide links to the blog and any other updates. My instagram feed is accessible through there and I have organized all of my Minted work by category. I am working to update my photo albums full of gorgeous images of Real Weddings, Showers, and Custom projects, so you can browse easily.
I am pretty sure that Minted brings more people to me than I bring to them, but if you do find yourself on my site and want to check out my full collection, check out my Minted store front. All those designs are sold exclusively through Minted. I am not involved in the order process, but I do receive a commission on orders.
I am not going to lie. Twitter has kind of gone by the wayside for me. Since most of my social media is used for work, I find photos make so much more sense. Instagram is just more practical. For you Twitter people, I do link up Instagram with Twitter every now and again, but otherwise things are likely to be fairly quiet on that front.
That about covers everything, so you kind of know what to expect if you want to keep up with certain areas. To me, this seems like an attainable balance and I am excited to see how I do!