What if Anthropologie did weddings?

I got an email a couple of weeks ago announcing that Anthropologie is coming out with their own wedding line. The promo photos on their website are beautiful and I finally got my hands on some photos of their gorgeous dresses. This is no doubt going to make some brides very happy. I have a love-hate relationship with anthropologie. Their stuff is so pretty, but so they are so expensive, but still so pretty, but not always the best quality... but so so pretty. See?

I am fresh off a recent fail, because the belt that I bought (with a gift card, therefore guilt-free) kept popping off every time I took a deep breath. I got to return it (they do have great customer service because they did it with no receipt and no questions asked), but I was bummed and kind of irritated because it was a $50 belt! It's the kind of item you are embarrassed to tell someone how much it costs.  I know it wasn't just my belt, because my bff got the same one in a different color and has the same issue. If I am going to spend that much on a belt, I want it to stay snapped dang it. But, I digress.

What was I talking about? Oh yes. Anthropologie does weddings.... The line is called BHLDN, which you pronounce 'Beholden' (so says google), and it debuts on February 14th. I think it's super smart of them to do this, and am sure it will do awesome, regardless.  I mean look at them. They are so gorgeous...


and so my love/hate affair continues.

sneak peek photos from glamour.com.

Posted on February 9, 2011 and filed under Inspiration.

Minted: Stay In Touch Business Card Challenge

The latest Minted challenge called for our creativity in a brand new category: business cards! This was a pretty open ended challenge... we could choose a business or personal theme. The only catch was that the back could not be editable. I see calling cards all over etsy, and I've done a few custom orders myself... so I will be interested to see how Minted does selling these. They will no doubt be some of the best looking available. I wish I had more time to design for this challenge. I had so many more ideas for this, but time caught up to me and I was only able to submit these two before the deadline... Stamp + Stripe and Calligrapher.

invitations Photobucket

Voting is now open, so head on over there and check out the awesome designs.


Welcome to the new Palm Papers blog! I am so excited for everything that I have in the works: a new blog, a new website, new designs... I hope you’ll follow along for all the fun things to come. For those that are new to my blog, swing on over to lettersbylauren.com to see all of my designs up until this point. I’ll be leaving that blog up so that you can always browse through the archives for ideas.

Posted on February 6, 2011 and filed under Business.