Hashtag Minted Design Challenge (#minteddesignchallenge)

Lauren Chism on Instagram

Like I mentioned in the last blog post, I've been sharing my Minted submissions on Instagram. I started printing them out and styling them a little and have had fun showing off some of my work this way. The thing about Minted is, the competition is very tough and just because it isn't chosen, doesn't mean it's not good. If they don't sell a design, they sometimes get lost in my file folders, never to be seen again. Sharing them with followers is the first step to getting them in my shop once the contest period is over.  That's my goal anyways!

I have been tagging them '#minteddesignchallenge' and so if you are submitting to Minted, you should share your designs too - I'd love to see more than just my stuff with that hashtag.

Sidenote: Did you know that Minted prints out every design and puts them on a display board for editor's picks? Their offices are full of display boards and printed out designs. It can't hurt to print them out to make sure they look good this way, and you might as well snap a photo while you're at it.

Posted on February 25, 2014 and filed under Business.