Featured: Crawfish + Cake Birthday Invitations on OSBP


It started a few years ago… one crawfish boil invitation turned into another and another …  I just keep getting to design invitations for these awesome gatherings of crawfish eaters! I have so much fun with this theme and find it's a fun challenge to work with the same theme for different clients.

Well, it got a little more challenging this time, since I was designing for the same theme, same client, same celebration - just one year later! Remember Ben's Crawfish Birthday last year? Well, his mom, Mary, thought the party was such a hit, she wanted to do it again for his second birthday. She came up with the 'Crawfish & Cake' theme (so cute right!) and I created these playful invitations, tags and coordinating stationery.


Did I mention that these were featured on Oh So Beautiful Paper today?! Thank you, Nole!

Posted on March 31, 2015 and filed under Children's Birthday.